
Keyname is built around the following file name convention:

  • key/value pairs are constructed with = between the key and value
  • key/value pairs are joined by +
  • key/value pairs are ordered alphanumerically by key
    • keys beginning with _ are ordered after keys not beginning with _
    • the ext (extension) key is always placed last

For example, key1=val1+key2=val2+_key3=val3+ext=.txt.

from keyname import keyname as kn

# returns 'key1=val1+key2=val2+_key3=val3+ext=.txt'
  'key2' : 'val2',
  'ext' : '.txt',
  'key1' : 'val1',
  '_key3' : 'val3',

# returns {'key' : 'val', 'ext' : '.txt'}